Case Study
June 3, 2020
Zadcall Platform
Zadcall platform enables you to talk to the experts directly via voice and video calls. Visit experts through your phone.
Experts are one call away!
To design and develop a platform that allows users to instantly connect with experts in various fields through voice and video calls, ensuring a seamless and intuitive user experience.
Brand Strategy, UX Strategy, Design Sprints
UI/UX Design, Prototyping
Flutter, Cloud Firestore, Elasticsearch
Web, iOS, Android

⬤ 01. Challenges
Making sure the platform works
seamlessly across different devices
and operating systems
User Matching: Efficiently matching users with the most suitable expert based on their needs.
Scalability: Ensuring the platform can handle a large number of simultaneous calls without compromising on call quality.
Security: Implementing end-to-end encryption for voice and video calls to protect user privacy.
Usability: Creating an intuitive user interface that even non-tech-savvy individuals can navigate with ease.
Expert Verification: Establishing a system to verify the credentials and expertise of individuals who sign up as experts.
Monetization: Deciding on a sustainable monetization strategy without compromising on user trust or experience.
Feedback and Rating: Implementing a system for users to rate and review experts, ensuring quality control.
⬤ 02. Experience
Overcame various technical
and design challenges,
leading to a deeper
understanding of the
intricacies of platform
We utilized cutting-edge technologies and frameworks to ensure the platform’s responsiveness, security, and scalability.
We focused on the user’s perspective, ensuring that the platform is intuitive, easy to use, and meets the users’ needs.
Successfully delivered a platform that has since connected thousands of users with experts, receiving positive feedback for its ease of use and effectiveness.

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Instead of utilizing contrast purely for the purpose of mitigating who are excited about unique ideas and help digital companies.
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With more than 16+ years of experience, our team has become a leader in digital design and innovations.
With more than 16+ years
of experience, our team has become a leader in digital design and innovations.
⬤ 03. Mobile Experience
Putting our focus on
changing the way people
think of mobile experience.

Amr Sadek
Brand Research
Mohamed Aldmohy
Project Manager
Ali Galal
Creative Director
Amr Sadek
Brand Strategy, UI/UX Design
Essam Mahmoud
Team Leader
Osama Adel
Mobile Development
Ahmed Moussa
Mobile Development
Tech Process Solutions - Jordan
“4 years ago, an agreement was made with Algoriza Company to provide us with a technical team. Thank God, the experience was successful and I recommend it. Algoriza Company is distinguished by its good selection of technical teams, following up with them, and maintaining continuous development for them. We noticed the high level of ownership among their employees when implementing the projects, and this matter caught our attention, and on its basis, we continued the joint work. Together... I wish them all the best and hope for the best. We thank them for their efforts..”
Saeed Abdel Aty
General Director
Tech Process Solutions - Jordan
“4 years ago, an agreement was made with Algoriza Company to provide us with a technical team. Thank God, the experience was successful and I recommend it. Algoriza Company is distinguished by its good selection of technical teams, following up with them, and maintaining continuous development for them. We noticed the high level of ownership among their employees when implementing the projects, and this matter caught our attention, and on its basis, we continued the joint work. Together... I wish them all the best and hope for the best. We thank them for their efforts..”
Saeed Abdel Aty
General Director
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